Child Care Statement on COVID-19

CONTACT: ACNJ, Lana Lee, (609) 651-5855 (cell) |

Child care should NOT be business as usual.
To flatten the curve, NJ should follow other states' lead.

Advocates for Children of New Jersey and other statewide advocacy groups are urging Governor Phil Murphy to close New Jersey's child care centers, provide full funding for programs accepting child care subsidies, regardless of whether they remain open or not, and ensure children of essential personnel have access to care, in the wake of COVID-19. To flatten the curve, all families should keep children out of group care settings to the greatest extent possible.

Read full statement and recommendations, signed by:

  • Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ)
  • New Jersey Head Start Association (NJHSA)
  • New Jersey’s Statewide Afterschool Network (NJSACC)
  • New Jersey Association for the Education of Young Children (NJAEYC)
  • Coalition for Infant Toddler Educators (CITE)
  • The New Jersey Family Child Care Providers Association (NJPCCPA)

New Jersey can follow other states' examples, including Massachusetts and Ohio, which have not only issued emergency orders temporarily closing all early childhood education programs, but provided funds to secure a future for child care programs who care for and educate children from low-income families. They also provided clear directives ensuring the safety and well-being of children. This includes: 

  • Provide full child care subsidy payments to programs, regardless if they have closed or remained open. This measure supports child care providers serving low-income working families, allowing them to continue operating once the crisis is over.
  • Create emergency drop-in care for essential personnel who have no other option for care during this public health crisis. 
  • Develop procedures in place to quickly review applications for emergency child care programs and to conduct expedited background checks for child care teachers and staff.


Advocates for Children of New Jersey is a statewide non-profit child action and research organization dedicating to ensuring that every child has the chance to grow up safe, healthy and educated.

Advocates for Children of New Jersey | 35 Halsey Street Newark , New Jersey 07102

Questions? Email us at or call us at  (973) 643-3876.

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