Census 2020 Job Fair Alert
Visit your community branch library to learn about and apply for job openings with the 2020 Census!

Visit one of the Census Job Fairs anytime between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM, where counselors will be able to assist candidates interested in applying for positions with the Census Bureau.

November 14th || Weequahic Branch
November 21st || North End Branch
December 5th || Clinton Branch
December 12th || Springfield Branch
December 19th || Branch Brook Branch
December 26th || Vailsburg Branch

For branch locations and parking information, click here.

For more information, contact Newark Deputy Mayor Jacqueline Quiles at (973) 733-4310 or quilesj@ci.newark.nj.us, or Ingrid Betancourt, Newark Public Library, at ibetancourt@npl.org

Advocates for Children of New Jersey | 35 Halsey Street Newark , New Jersey 07102

Questions? Email us at advocates@acnj.org or call us at  (973) 643-3876.

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