#HandsOffSNAP - 68,000 NJ residents need your voice to keep food stamp benefits!

Dear Friend,

Our partner Hunger Free New Jersey is getting the word out -- a proposed rule from the Trump Administration would cut SNAP (food stamps) for an estimated 68,000 New Jersey residents, mainly working families with children, seniors and people with disabilities. The proposed rule change would make it harder for struggling people to put food on the table.
Lend your voice and send a strong message that hunger and poverty in this country would increase with the new eligibility rule, especially for working families with children and seniors with small amounts of savings. Public comments are now being accepted until Monday, September 23rd. Click here and help protect this critical food assistance!


Below is a sample comment:

The Trump Administration's proposed amendment to Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility would eliminate food SNAP benefits for nearly 3 million people, including 68,000 New Jersey residents. If the amendment passes, 500,000 children nationally may no longer receive the school meals that help them grow and be able to learn. This ruling would increase hunger and poverty rates across the nation while punishing those with meager savings. Therefore, I am opposed to the amendment to Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility for SNAP benefits so that we can continue to strengthen our country, not weaken it.

Participate in the upcoming Twitter Storm on September 19th, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
Tweet the Trump Administration that you oppose the change and to keep their 

Sample Tweet:

@realDonaldTrump - almost 68,000 #NJ residents would lose their #SNAP benefits with your proposed rule to amend #CatEl. I'm making a stand today and saying #HandsOffSNAP Add your comment opposing the change at https://bit.ly/32TuXeP

Advocates for Children of New Jersey | 35 Halsey Street Newark , New Jersey 07102

Questions? Email us at advocates@acnj.org or call us at  (973) 643-3876.

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